Wednesday, November 20, 2013

From Pencils to Pixals

The computer is the new gateway to literacy. Writing like any tool in technology takes practice and time to learn how to use and perfect. Yes the pencil is a technology because it is a new tool that allowed people to write to convey their messages and ideas with each other. Plato thought that with the ability to write that our memories would weaken. With Thoreau using the pencil to connect his ideas when he was in the woods led him to wright some of the nation’s most famous books. Thoreau used the pencil to engage others in his type of thinking through his writing. The telephone drastically improved communication. People were able to communicate over long distances in very little time. However one cannot really compare the phone to the pencil because they could be used for completely opposite tasks. Through writing on the computer it has been easier to commit fraud, causing another dilemma in today’s society. Baron says that eventually anyone can learn how to use the computer, it just may not be the smartest way.  Literacy is defined as people needing to change and advance with literacy and new technologies.

Gin, TV, and cognitive surplus

The main argument is that if people did not watch as much TV or waste their time then those people would be able to do much more productive and educational things.

Literacy is being able to comprehend and develop another work of art

Cognitive surplus is the ideas wasted when we are watching TV or on social media

To point out all of the time we waste in a day and what could be accomplished with that time

Shirly constantly points out how we want to be on the computer or internet. This part is important because it is a form of wasting time that most of us can relate to.


Monday, November 11, 2013

21st Century Writing

Advantages of writing in the 21 century:

Graded tests are fairer now that the teacher can review the answers many times as opposed to when the student would recite the answers.


Writing as it was back in the 20th century has drastically changed to what it is today. Instead of primarily writing on paper people are using computers more. Instead of composing a written essay, students are typing a prompt or using their email.

As the needs for writing change so do the styles of writing.

Writing was limited to very few people until this movement swept across the nation. There were laws against women learning to write, laws against blacks to learn to write, at young ages kids were told they were too young to learn to write.

As technology advances we are learning new ways to use technology and have to become literate in those new ways.

Reading is seen as being a friendly character. If one is reading they are not being confrontational in any way. Writing was viewed as rebellious, writing could be used to organize the masses that aren't happy and cause an uproar. Writing was viewed in a very negative connotation.

Facebook is very much like self-sponsored writing. Most of us do this very often.

The age of composition: where every person is some how linked to writing. Whether it be through a blog or social media most of the world expresses themselves through writing.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Introducing Yourself in Person: "Hi, I'm @soccerdog19, Nice to meet you"

Social media keeps us connected with more people, creates the feeling that we have more friends, and makes us feel more loved.


Zuckerberg introduced the News Feed so that people would be able to see what was going on in their friend’s life without having to open all of their profiles, making the feel more connected with half of the work. The news feed shows that our attention span has dropped and that we want information as soon as possible. We are willing to receive less information at a quicker rate than to receive more information and take a longer time. In the terms of literacy as to use the information, the News feed is very helpful. Defining literacy as reading and developing your own idea with what is given, the News Feed is a terrible creation.


Ambient awareness is the feeling of being with friends or your partner even when you are miles away. The constant update of Facebook and social media makes us feel like we are always with our friends, and that someone is always there for us.


The negative to Ambient awareness is feeling like you really know the person from what they tweet or post on Facebook, when in reality they are complete strangers.  Ambient awareness allows friends to dive right into a conversation, they already know how each other is doing because of posts on Facebook and Twitter.


Ambient update examples: Watching Scary Movie 5, Just had a great dinner, I hate School.


With the news feed you can skim over and pick and choose which posts you want to read. Relating to our class discussion this is hurting our ability to be literate.


This article defines literacy as being able to stay connected with friends and family, even if through a short post. This article brings a new definition of literacy that I have not yet seen.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just Google it!

Carr's article "Is Google making us Stupid" summed up how people are today. We look for the quickest way to get information without having to do all of the work. I even felt myself doing what he is criticizing while I was reading this article. Many times I would find myself skimming over the material. A lot of the material in the article seemed unnecessary and empty of important information, which leads to the reader just skimming through the paper and missing some crucial information that would have us develop other ideas.

Internet has trained us to look for the easy answer and get it the quickest way possible.

Literacy is now just being able to use the internet to search for an answer. Someone may seem smart, when in fact they have just found a little information on the internet.

Internet has made people more like each other and robots, where everyone has the same answers and nothing is left to be determined by the reader.

Curr uses the printing press, assembly line, and computers as examples.

The evidence provided was not effective, all of the things he mentioned bettered society and improved the way we lived.

Curr says that his worrisome opinion may be wrong, but he is saying that the internet is taking away the individual thought process and turning us in to robots.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Media Tattoo

     I feel that on social media I represent myself as a well behaved, Christian, athletic, and conservative person.
     One of my videos is of the Auburn football team running up to the student section after the game. This shows my love of sports and love of my school. A photo of me wakeboarding gives an example of my athleticism. I have many pictures from Passion 2012 that shows my faith. Then a few political post that might seem a little irrational.
     I believe I represent myself well on social media, except for some of the political messages that I have "Liked" or "shared".
     Now that I am in AFROTC I have to remain censored on any political dispute that could be see as disagreeing with the President or not being loyal to our government.
     If I were to be handed printouts, there is no doubt in my mind I would still get the job. While I was not as careful about political agendas I was very careful of other public appearances. For the most part my "Media Tattoo" fits me well.

"'Like' Me Baby One More Time"

     I am doing my unit 3 assignment on Britney Spears. Through Britney's controversial pictures and past drug abuse, even up to her kids, her Facebook is full of how she feels and what she is doing. Britney's Facebook page shows what her whole life is about and can give an accurate portrayal of who she is.
     Britney has pictures of her kids and friends on her wall. this shows the family side of her. She also has her music posted, which she spends most of her time doing. Then, there are also pictures of Britney modeling. All of theses aspects makes Britney Spears a prime account to analyze.